Contact lenses Available at Basingstoke
Q. What do Smartphones, the internet, thin TV’s, Bluetooth and contact lenses have in common?
A. All fantastic inventions that are in continuous development with the aid of modern technology to fit your needs.
A huge host of materials, all designed to allow your eyes to breathe naturally. Some of them are so oxygen permeable that you can safely sleep in them for 30 days Menicon Z. We have contact lenses that you throw away every day Coopervision MyDays, contact lenses that correct distance and reading Synergeyes Duette Progressiv, contact lenses to correct astigmatism Coopervison Biofinity Toric, contact lenses to correct any degree however high of short or long sighted No. 7 C/Vue Advanced. And, how about this, a contact lens that gently changes the shape of your eye whilst you sleep so that you don’t need to wear anything during the day No.7 Eyedream. Dry eyes? Not a problem, contact lenses made from biocompatible moisture retaining materials Coopervision Proclear, contact lenses with wetting agents in them. We even have the ultimate combination with hybrid contact lenses which have a gas permeable centre for the very best vision and a soft edge for the best comfort Synergeyes/Duette
So why do so few people wear contact lenses? At the Oculus contact lens centre in Basingstoke we take a different approach. If you want contact lenses or are curious to try them we will go that extra mile to make sure you are happy with your contact lenses. Why? Because that’s what we do!
Oculus contact lens centres are situated in your trusted local opticians in Basingstoke. Our Opticians have all had specialist training so that they have the skills to fit not only soft disposable contact lenses but also a complete range of contact lenses for people who have previously tried them and failed.